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Europa Cantat 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fri, 16 Jul



THE GRAND CHORAL D'EUROPE FESTIVAL, organized by ECA-European Choral Association - every three years since 1961 in a different country. Edition 2021 in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia! Registration: from December 15, 2020 to February 15, 2021.

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Europa Cantat 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Europa Cantat 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Date et lieu

16 Jul 2021, 19:00 CEST – 25 Jul 2021, 23:00 CEST

Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

A propos de cet évènement

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Given the pandemic context and the ever-present health risk, the initial program has undergone changes. No more workshops, no study trip. But, online activities and many other projects ...

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